Dryden DAISY® is an integrated swimming pool water treatment system developed by Dryden Aqua. Their approach is based on the biology of bacteria and pathogen growth and how to prevent it happening in the first place and minimising the need for chlorine and other disinfectants.
There are 3 steps to the DAISY® system:
Step 1: Filtration with AFM®
Sand is a natural breeding ground for bacteria. AFM® filter media is fully resistant to biofouling, therefore bacteria have no substrate on which they can grow and multiply. AFM® also offers incredible filtration performance and outlasts all other filter media.
Step 2: Coagulation and flocculation with APF® and ZPM
Mechanical filtration alone cannot remove most nutrients for bacteria. APF® is a combination of a flocculant and a coagulant and when injected into a ZPM static mixer enables sub-micron filtration of bacteria and particles for crystal clear and safe water. Filtration is possible down to 0.1 micron which reduces chlorine demand and the formation of harmful disinfection by-products to the lowest level possible.
Step 3: ACO® is a photocatalyst & chlorine stabiliser which boosts the natural power of the sun and protects chlorine from UV light
A highly innovative, eco-friendly liquid product most effective in any outdoor pools, including salt water pools. May be used as part of Dryden DAISY® or by itself.