Defender® Regenerative Filters
The Defender® regenerative media filters (RMF’s) are a more efficient alternative to sand or filters and provides exceptional water filtration capabilities, along with significant water and energy savings when compared to sand filtration.
RMF’s use up to 70% less water, take up a quarter of the space, and use less energy than traditional sand filters. Regenerative media filters are also more effective at removing contaminants.
The Defender® filter is able to remove particles as small as 1 micron from water while traditional sand filters generally only remove particles in the 20 micron range.
They have been developed to provide a safe, non-hazardous filter which uses perlite media for the clearest, cleanest and safest water. The automated system offers worry free operation and significant water savings compared with standard filtration.
Due to its innovative “bumping” process the Defender® RMF systems significantly eliminate the amount of backwash water going to the drain. Instead of backwashing, the Defender filter is programmed to automatically “bump” to regenerate the fine-grade perlite media for a fresh start.
It has rapidly replaced sand filters as the premier choice for water filtration in various recreational water applications.
Additionally, they do not require any major refurbishment like a standard filter and operate an automated system with no backwashing and their smaller footprint offers large space savings for new build or refurbishment schemes.
Regenerative media filters provide substantial savings in the everyday operational costs of an aquatics facility. To highlight potential savings, Neptune Benson can evaluate your current facility (or upcoming project) and demonstrate a cost saving analysis report, outlining the savings in water, energy, chemical consumption and required footprint when compared to a conventional sand filter.

Benefits of the Defender Filters
- Estimated 50% savings on Energy
- 30% savings on chemical consumption
- 75% space savings compared to standard filtration
- Estimated up to 70% or more savings on water usage
- Saves both space and construction costs
- No backwash holding tank
- Smaller waste line to sewer
- Operating weight may be as little as 10% of a similar sand filter
- Smaller footprint allows access through smaller doors
Sterling can evaluate your current facility for any upcoming project and demonstrate a cost saving analysis report, outlining the savings in water, energy, chemical consumption and required footprint when compared to a conventional sand filter.
Ceramiflo Membrane filters
The Ceramiflo filtration system is an alternative filtration to standard swimming pool filters. They utilise membrane technology and are based on a patented Silicon Carbide ceramic membrane modules, the filters can be sized to fit any and additional membranes can be added to suit the larger volume pool.
The membranes are standardised and built in either stainless steel (SS316L) or plastic (PP). The membranes are very robust and tolerant to high temperatures, aggressive cleaning and have a long life expectancy. High quality pumps, valves and sensors are used to ensure operational stability and longevity.
The Ceramiflo system range starts at a 2 membrane system, for a pool with a flow rate of 70 m3/h / the number of membranes on the system is then increased dependent on the flow ratee required.
The membranes filter down to 3 microns and have an option of going down to 1 micron if required. The design of the system can be tailored to the size and dimensions of the plant room and membranes can be installed in different configurations as required.
The system utilises an automatic backwashing to clean the membranes and this can be controlled remotely at the touch of a button on a computer, phone or tablet device. All Ceramiflo filters have a built-in automatic backwash, CIP and back pulse system.

- Uses only 10L per bather rather than 30L (PWTAG)
- Saves energy
- Reduce chlorine by 30%
- Fully automatic backwashing frees up time for staff
- Monitored and controlled 24/7
- Better performance with 2-3mu filtration as opposed to 5-10 mu (sand)
- More capable of removing crypto (3-6mu)
- No degradation in performance after BW
- Less energy used due to low pressure drop across the filters
- Crystal clear pool water 0.2 NTU
- Offers space saving in small plantrooms
- Straightforward maintenance
- Strong sustainability credentials realised by innovation to the client
You can substantially
- Reduce plant room size
- Smaller footprint of 1/3
- Lower headroom standard ceiling height
- Smaller balance tank
- No attenuation tank required
- Reduction in build costs
Sterling can evaluate your current facility for any upcoming project and demonstrate a cost saving analysis report, outlining the savings in water, energy, chemical consumption and required footprint when compared to a conventional sand filter.